Kathleen Hill


Former Research & Policy Specialist

Kathleen Hill (she/her) served as the Research & Policy Specialist at Creative Generation in 2020. She is a graduate from Carnegie Mellon University’s Heinz College where she studied the intersections of culture and policy in the hopes of understanding and employing data-informed solutions to complex challenges facing the arts and culture sector. 

Growing up in a robust public school system that valued the development of creativity in young people, Kathleen firmly believes in the role that arts and culture play in incubating, amplifying, and achieving transformative social change through storytelling.

She holds degrees and certifications in international cultural policy, nonprofit management, and arts management from Georgetown University, Harvard's Extension School, and Carnegie Mellon University. Additionally, she is a semi-professional singer in the Boston-area where she currently resides with her family. 

In 2020, Kathleen . After Creative Generation, she works with WolfBrown as the Senior Associate for Research and Outreach where she continues to collaborate with the Creative Generation team.

Location: Boston, Massachusetts, USA


