To make this expanded range of arts-integrated learning possibilities more concrete, the project yielded a series of examples of wide-ranging visual arts integration taken from contemporary practice in and out of schools, for a range of ages and audiences, using different approaches.

The following materials were compiled, and are now published, to elevate the practices in the field.

Case Studies

Innovation Spotlights


To explore these multiple facets of arts integration, a course was created to encourage the engagement with the perspectives of educators, youths, artists, administrators, researchers, and museums from around the country in several different ways, including the above case studies, “Innovation Spotlights” on specific practices, video presentations, and recorded interviews. 

In mid-2023, an open-access course will be published and made publicly available for the field.

For attendees and contributors to the Thinkific course utilized in the October 2022 convening, please contact for access.