Young & Emerging Leaders Forum Spotlight: Ivy Ogott

I am a creative, teacher and human rights lawyer. I founded a non profit organization known as Obulamu in 2020 during the Covid-19 pandemic hoping to provide a safe space where children could growth and thrive emotionally, spiritually, physically, socially and mentally. As of now, we have established a children centre in the outskirts of Nairobi, Kenya where we host classes/events for children, which has an art gallery filled with paintings done by me and a collaborating artist depicting personal experiences that we hope will inspire generations to come, a play area, grounds for physical activities. We have set up an online learning platform on youtube where children can access free lessons taught by children as well. We also visit several schools and or children homes to spread love and hope while fostering creativity within the children among other upcoming projects. We hope to build a library and hub that would serve the community here as well as establish a centre at the coast of Kenya as well as in Uganda to serve the same purpose, in the near future.

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