Young & Emerging Leaders Forum Spotlight: Sarah Gordin

YELF is jointly hosted by Creative Generation (CG) and the International Teaching Artist Collaborative (ITAC) to bring together and recognize young practitioners from across the field fostering a collaborative learning environment based in critical reflection intended to interrogate, mutually share and learn, and radically reimagine future possibilities for one’s work.

Sarah Gordin is the artistic director and founder of Philly Children's Theatre, as well as a theatre/dance/music teaching artist and director. Sarah received her BA in Theatre from Muhlenberg College. She also studied at the National Theatre Institute Advanced Directing Program at the Eugene O’Neill Theatre Center and The Theatre Academy of London.

Sarah fell in love with storytelling through reading and now focuses on telling stories in creative and imaginative ways with and for young people, with a focus on accessibility. Sarah has taught all over the world, both in person and virtually, at an East Kensington and North Philadelphia Elementary School with ArtistYear AmeriCorps, Friendship Circle Philly, OutSchool, The Rose Theater in Omaha, NE, and the Creative Arts Academy in India, among others.

How do you personally define leadership?

Leadership is all about collaboration to me. As the leader and founder of a new theatre company, Philly Children's Theatre, my main job is to make sure that the people that are working with me are heard and acknowledged and that decisions are not just made from one person, but from input from others. This to me is true leadership.

What is a driving question you have?

A big question that I have right now is how to achieve funding and partnerships as a new theatre company, as well as building connections with other companies.

What titles/terms do you like to use to describe your work?

I am a teaching artist, an artistic director, a director/choreographer, an arts administrator, a grant writer, a dancer, a singer, and an entrepreneur.
I put teaching artist first because I approach all my work from teaching artist values of kindness, courage, and safety.

What is something (in your own work) you are particularly proud of and why?

Starting a theatre company (Philly Children's Theatre)! We had out first performances this summer and it was a huge success with touring three locations throughout Philadelphia and reaching over 260 people.

What makes you excited to work at the intersection of the fields of Arts, Cultural & Education?

Everything! I am constantly excited and grateful to be working to expand arts access with Philly Children's Theatre, and to teach the next generation of creatives. I truly am living my dream jobs and I couldn't be more excited about that.

What is one change you would like to see made in our field?

More openings and mentorships for new artistic directors/teaching artists/directors on the scene... which I think would be changing the field to create more time and space for those mentorships to happen.

If you had a superpower, what would it be and why?

To be two places at once... for obvious reasons! Busy, busy- so much to do.