Arts Amplify Youth

Arts Amplifying Youth (AAY) is a movement created for youth by youth to amplify voices and experiences around issues that directly impact youth. Art Amplifying Youth has long been the safe space young people have come to rely on; this is where they can show up in their fullness and find communities with people like themselves. Ensuring young people's physical, social, and emotional wellbeing are top priorities; access to arts and creativity is part of that important mission.

When asked about the program’s intentionally youth-driven design, Director Dairrick is adamant that “this is only intended to be a frame. Youth lead and create the culture - it is the young people’s job to question us.” The AAY Summits are designed to create a space for young people to discuss issues and make art for a collective cause. 

With the theme “Safety: Reclaim, Reframe, Reimagine,” the most recent iteration of the program is a safe space for creative healing. “People can tell their story in an abstract way through art rather than verbally expressing… [it’s a way] that feels safe,” mentioned Samantha, a youth producer. The program encourages youth to utilize art as a way to claim space. In Dairrick’s opinion, it’s fundamentally “the role of the artist is to announce there is a safety issue.”

Above all else, AAY is about opening avenues of expression and utility through creative means for youth in the community. “Scribble all over the world,” Dairrick encouraged. Samantha agreed: “We’re dope, and powerful in our own voice.”