Juxtaposition Arts' Tactical Lab

Juxtaposition Arts is a teen-staffed art and design center, gallery, retail shop, and artists’ studio space in North Minneapolis that develops community by engaging and employing young urban artists in hands-on education initiatives that create pathways to self-sufficiency while actualizing creative power.

Creative Generation was fortunate to have Justice (Youth) and Adrienne (Adult) provide an insider perspective into the Juxtaposition Arts world. By following a model that centers youth as experts, the organization believes that art creates and challenges perspectives, highlights lived experiences and provides real world applications towards agency building. All the work that is produced is intergenerationally collaborative to support the development of young people. 

“Why art?” was one of the questions posed upon Juxtaposition Arts, which received this statement from Justice: Art acts as the catalyst for change. As art heavily aligns with intrinsic ideals, it has the power to influence the human experience. If you think about it, most humans engage with art in one form or another. Tapping into the human experience is one of Juxtaposition Arts specialties as the organization has a solidified approach of demonstrating to their stakeholders what it means to be a kind individual within society. This conduct translates within their apprenticeship programs, where everyone is granted respect and understanding. Yet, mindful that conflict will arise being a natural step in the process of growth. 

Growth requires resources, it is like the old adage: If you cannot love yourself, how can you love others. With an organization committed to serving the community, the artists within cannot help if they too are underserved. Therefore, compensation must be added to the growth formula. An equation that Juxtaposition Arts understands well.

Thinking about the future is the main component for Juxtaposition Arts because they desire their young people to envision what they want for themselves and their impact on the community. For Justice, agency has been present because Juxtaposition Arts has made her feel at home; an honest opportunity to find herself.