What resulted from this body of research is a suite of tools and resources. Creative Generation will continue to curate responses to this research, and specifically the questions below, which were contributed by young creatives engaged in community development work to provoke the field towards new possible futures:

  • How do youth and adults define the impacts of their creative and community impact projects on communities?

  • How can youth and adults broaden the scope of their project or program to include other partners or community members?

  • How can youth and adults together strategically approach allied sectors to encourage greater programmatic cooperation aimed at shared objectives?

  • How can youth and adults together better understand the myriad stakeholders impacted by their projects, map connections, and determine barriers to involvement?

  • How can youth and adults together more accurately articulate their intended and observed outcomes?

  • How can youth and adults together define the metrics of success against which their projects are measured?

We invite you to join the conversation. If you are interested in contributing a perspective, please complete the form below.