Call for Papers on the topic of Cyclical Mentorship

Creative Generation will publish a series of papers that disrupt and interrogate long-held ideas of mentorship and promote youth-centered, multilateral, intergenerational, and/or cyclical mentorship models in arts & cultural education. 

EXTENDED Deadline for initial submission: March 15, 2021

Examples of highly-relevant topics include the following: 

  • Expanded definitions of mentorship that are not solely based on age, title, and/or perceived level of expertise;

  • Cases of intergenerational dialogue and the value of holding space for wisdom;

  • Systematic review of the effects of structural ageism in the field arts and cultural education;

  • How systemic problems create barriers to expanding the leadership development pipeline;

  • Interrogative artistic works and case studies that speak to the challenges around youth voice;

  • Ideas and solutions on how the arts & cultural education field can move away from adultism in program design and implementation; and

  • Exploration at the intersection of youth voice, mentorship, equity, and the arts & cultural education field.

This special series will be peer-reviewed using our constructive peer review model and the special issue will be edited by an intergenerational committee of educators, scholars, and arts practitioners. 

Manuscript Submission

We welcome both young and established scholars, as well as artists, educators, community activists, and others to submit an abstract and engage in these important conversations. The proposal should include:

  • an abstract

  • an initial outline

  • a list of proposed authors and/or collaborators

These items will ensure that early feedback and guidance can be provided prior to the development of a full manuscript; our goal is to ensure your ideas are communicated effectively. An invitation to submit does not guarantee acceptance of the manuscript, and all submissions that are accepted to the series will undergo peer review.

Please direct inquiries and proposals to Please specify in your proposal that the submission is intended for the special series on Cyclical Mentorship.


About the Publication

The Creative Generation Journal aims to hold space to amplify the voices of young creatives and those who are committed to cultivating their creativity. The journal will document and disseminate promising creative and educational practices which cultivate the creative capabilities of young people to catalyze social change. The Creative Generation Journal examines the numerous fields - such as arts and culture, education and youth development, community and social change, and more -  from various perspectives and encourages submissions that address issues of justice and action through artistic, cultural, educational, community-based, and youth-driven initiatives.