What was your favorite artistic action from 2019? The Center for Artistic Activism is looking for actions from cheap and fast to loud and enormous. They want the big actions you’ve been admiring recently, like that border wall see-saw, or that house that got floated down the River Thames, or one of a dozen things coming out of Hong Kong last year. But if it’s your neighbor’s kid making speed bumps out of colored noodles to slow down traffic, submit that too.
Not sure if the project you're thinking about qualifies? Don't worry about it, send it anyway!
Not sure what category your favorite may apply to? Don't worry, you can invent a category!
Submit your nomination via email
What exactly is an artistic action, you ask?
Artistic actions are planned actions that are creative and aimed at an objective to change the world for the better. They can involve any medium and can be at any scale. Great artistic actions are often surprising, sometimes funny and usually get all kinds of people involved.