Register for ITAC's February Think Tank: ‍Playback Theatre in Africa

Join the International Teaching Artist Collaborative on Monday, February 28 at 8:00pm Kenya time (12:00pm NY time, 5:00pm UK time) for our Think Tank exploring Playback Theatre in Africa.

AFRICA CONNECT Group is an IPTN Africa Region Project that brings Playbackers from Africa together for the purpose of connecting and exchanging lived experiences through the modality Playback Theatre.

Playback theatre is a non-scripted form of performance that invites the audience to share real life moments and stories through a supportive and guided process which in turn are transformed into theatre. This process of story sharing and story playing becomes a way of creating community dialogue around specific socio-political contexts, and the Playback process shapes itself according to the needs of a specific audience.

Piloted in November 2021, Tarryn Lee curated and led a 4-week AFRICA CONNECT GROUP ONLINE PROJECT experiment to explore the initial conversation she shared with Bonface Beti. The Playback community that has been gathering since November comprises Playbackers from Kenya, Nigeria, and South Africa. The group is small but committed to continuing to grow this community dialogue space; in the near future, the AFRICA CONNECT Group hopes to expand and include more Africa Playback practitioners. Accessibility and equity, as well as various other complex socio-economic challenges faced by Africa today specifically in relation to online projects and intentions, regularly restrict the continuity of the project’s work.

The aim of the AFRICA CONNECT Group ITAC Think Tank is for Teaching Artists from the Global North to witness a Global South online applied theatre intervention through stories of, and from, Africa. Our stories. Our voices.

ITAC participants will be invited to watch part of the AFRICA CONNECT Group rehearsal live, before joining hosts in discussion about their learning, goals and ambitions for this practice. The AFRICA CONNECT Group will also invite fellow Africa Playbackers and artists to form part of the rehearsal process as story tellers with a personal relationship to the theme: CONNECTION/DISCONNECTION to AFRICA.

More Details:

Hosts: Bonface Beti, Tarryn Lee & the AFRICA CONNECT Group
Who can join: Open to creators of all ages, disciplines, and experience levels
When: Monday, February 28 at 8:00pm Kenya time

Not in Kenya? Confirm the Think Tank's start time based on your location here. Some helpful reminders:

  • February 28 at 12:00pm New York, USA time

  • February 28 at 2:00pm Buenos Aires, Argentina time

  • February 28 at 5:00pm London, UK time

  • February 28 at 5:00pm Accra, Ghana time

  • February 28 at 10:30pm New Delhi, India time

  • March 1 at 1:00am Shanghai, China time

  • March 1 at 2:00am Seoul, South Korea time

  • March 1 at 4:00am Sydney, Australia time

Where: Zoom (registration is FREE)
Register: Reserve your spot below!