Register for ITAC's May Think Tank

Join ITAC for this month's Think Tank with 2022-2023 ITAC Innovators Dr. Rachael Dwyer (Australia), Dr. Karla Estela Rivera (USA), and Dr. Rachael Jacobs (Australia) on Wednesday, May 24 at 9:30am Australian Eastern Standard Time (Tuesday, May 23 at 7:30pm Eastern Daylight Time). The Think Tank will be introduced by Professor Peter O’Connor, Director of the Centre for Arts and Social Transformation (ITAC New Zealand Hub) and convener for ITAC7, September 5-7 2024.

The three ITAC Innovator hosts will lead a session focused on Anti-Racist Practice for Teaching Artists

This session will invite teaching artists to reflect on the ways that their work creates spaces that are joyful, equitable and welcoming for those from marginalised communities. The Black Lives Matter protests in 2020 prompted an outpouring of solidarity, with many arts organisations pledging their commitments to racial justice. Only a few years later, we see very little evidence of those commitments being honoured, and in some cases, we see them being walked back.
This Think Tank session seeks to create a ‘brave space’ for conversations about anti-racist teaching artistry. The session will begin with land acknowledgements and their role in First Nations justice and the expressions of First Nations sovereignty through the arts. Examples of lived experiences of marginalisation in the arts will be shared, illustrated by artworks, and in some cases, attendees will have opportunity to reflect and respond. A collaborative poetry writing exercise will also capture some of the intentions of anti-racist teaching artistry that are explored in the session.
The session will also introduce a guide resource for teaching artists to ask critical questions of themselves and their practice. The intent of this resource is to provide a process for individuals and organisations to move beyond ‘statements of solidarity,’ unearthing ways to move towards creating artistic spaces that are equitable places of belonging for all.

Suggested reading and viewing in advance of the Think Tank session

The Working Group:
Following the Think Tank, the hosts will invite teaching artists to join them to pilot a supported, guided process towards anti-racist practice. This will include reading, creative responses, responding to critical prompt questions, sharing and reflection. There will be options for synchronous and asynchronous participation, accommodating a range of time zones. Feedback from the working group will be used to refine the process, and with permission, examples will be included in the resources.

Hosts: Dr. Rachael Dwyer (Australia), Dr. Karla Estela Rivera (USA), and Dr. Rachael Jacobs (Australia) 
Introduced by Professor Peter O’Connor, Director of the Centre for Arts and Social Transformation (ITAC New Zealand Hub) and convener for ITAC7, September 5-7 2024.

When: Wednesday, May 24 at 9:30am Australian Eastern Standard Time

Not on AEST? Confirm the Think Tank's start time based on your location here. Some helpful reminders:

  • May 23 at 7:30pm New York, NY time

  • May 23 at 8:30pm Buenos Aires, Argentina time

  • May 23 at 11:30pm Accra, Ghana time

  • May 24 at 12:30am London, UK time

  • May 24 at 5:00am New Delhi, India time

  • May 24 at 7:30am Shanghai, China time

  • May 24 at 8:30am Seoul, South Korea time

  • May 24 at 11:30am Auckland/Wellington, NZ time

Where: Zoom (registration is FREE)

Register: Reserve your spot below!

Pre-Reading Materials: The Think Tank hosts have curated a collection of materials to help prepare for the conversation. They encourage you to engage with them prior to the session.