Young people consistently rank culminating events -- performances, exhibitions, youth summits, screenings of their films -- as a powerful motivator and key aspect of their involvement in creative youth development programs. How can CYD programs adapt these events to the current, largely virtual environments?
CYD programs are doing their best to adjust, and it's been hard. You are not alone if you've had to cancel events. Likewise, you're not alone if you are struggling to find new ways to shine a light on the young people in your programs, even as they may lack the space or supplies or motivation to create new work.
Some new approaches are emerging that might be helpful and inspiring to the CYD field.
Organizations are invited to respond to this short survey to share strategies, ideas, and challenges. CultureThrive and The Clare Rose Foundation will share the creative ways that young people and the programs they are part of are being nimble.
You are also welcome to record your thoughts via audio or video and share them with Denise Montgomery at