S2 E13: Creating a Ripple of Change with Carrie Ziegler

During this episode of Why Change? co-hosts Madeleine and Jeff discuss exciting upcoming projects and start thinking big about impact. Madeleine shares her interview with Carrie Ziegler, a community-engaged artist focused on youth and environmental issues. Madeleine and Jeff discuss Carrie’s impact, youth ownership of creative work, and the ripple effects of community-engaged creative projects led by young people.

In this episode you’ll learn:

  1. About context-specific listening;

  2. How youth ownership of co-created visions deepens impact; and

  3. How large-scale arts projects lead to greater ripple effects of community engagement and connection.

Please download the transcript here

Check out some of the things mentioned during this podcast, including: 

Please download the transcript here. 


Carrie Ziegler facilitates powerful collaborative art projects that catalyze real environmental and social change. Recently, one of her collaborative art in action projects contributed to the passing of the Thurston Climate Mitigation Plan AND a resolution stating we are in a Climate Emergency. She has worked with many organizations and people who are struggling with apathy and lack of hope in light of all of the environmental injustices in the world. When they create art around these issues, collaboratively with other people, they are rocketed out of apathy and into action. This led Carrie to truly understand the transformative power of art, and the power of creating something together that is much bigger than any one of us can do on our own. 

This episode was produced by Madeleine McGirk; the executive producer is Jeff M. Poulin. The artwork is by Bridget Woodbury. Creative Generation’s Digital Media Producer is Daniel Stanley. This podcasts’ theme music is by Distant Cousins. For more information on this episode and Creative Generation please visit the episode’s webpage and follow us on social media @Campaign4GenC