A Missing Narrative: Moving Towards Understanding the Black Experience in Teaching Artistry in the U.S.

Given the current socio-political climate of the U.S. at the time of this research, as well as the pervasive lack of understanding about the Black experience around the world, the need for Afrocentric cultural awareness has never been greater. As part of the Black Teaching Artist Lab’s (BTAL) Ethnographic Research Initiative, BTAL and Creative Generation co-created a research strategy to evaluate and compile research by, for, and about Black teaching artists in the U.S. and field a national study to better understand the demographic composition of this community of practice and elevate their attitudes and perceptions about their work to drive important dialogue. This report combines the findings of desk and field research with analysis and perspectives from the Black teaching artists, educators, and cultural practitioners on the research team on three primary topics: 1) The Importance of Community, 2) Cultivation of Black-Centered Spaces, and 3) Discrimination within the U.S. Education and Cultural Systems.