A+ Schools of North Carolina: A Case Study About Professional Development as a Lever of Implementation

This case study focuses on A+ Schools of North Carolina, a network of schools within the National A+ Schools Consortium. This portrait of A+ Schools of North Carolina provides insight into the overall design, evolution, and impact of the A+ Schools model, the longest-running, arts-based whole-school reform model in the nation.

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SPARK! Arts Ignite Learning: A Case Study about Coalition Building as a Lever of Implementation and a Key to Scaling.

This case study focuses on SPARK! Arts Ignite Learning (SPARK!), a community partner of the John F. Kennedy Center’s Any Given Child initiative. Founded in 2014, SPARK! works as a collaboration of local artists, arts organizations, business and community leaders, the city of Missoula, Missoula County Public Schools (MCPS), parents, philanthropists, and the University of Montana to ensure equity and access to a comprehensive arts education ecosystem for all K-8 MCPS students.

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