Arts & Cultural Education's Impact on Global Citizenship


So far in our Creativity for Good campaign, we’ve touched on the ways artistic communities engaged with the social justice movement in protest art and the role of arts & cultural education in healing.

This month, our theme is Global Citizenship.

If COVID-19 has taught us anything, it’s that people around the world are connected in myriad ways we might not have noticed before. Our team is located around the world and through our collaborative work — and, in particular, through the Why Change? Podcast — we’ve seen first hand how interconnected the global arts education community is.

We want to hear what you’ve learned over the last 18 months and beyond! How are your students connected to other young creatives around the world? How do you use arts & cultural education to help students develop empathy for and understanding about different cultures? What artists do you see using their craft to share their experiences?

Use the social media platform of your choice to tell us your story about how the arts and arts & cultural education have helped foster a sense of global citizenship in the young people in your community. You can tweet a link to an article, post a pick of your current work in progress on IG, share a facebook post, or tag a friend on LinkedIn — whatever you like! — just make sure to tag @Campaign4GenC and use the hashtag #CreativityForGood.

I can’t wait to get inspired by what you’re working on and to share everyones’s stories!