Call for Blog Posts: What's Mentorship Like These Days?

So far in our Creativity for Good campaign, we’ve touched on the ways artistic communities engaged with the social justice movement in protest art , the role of arts & cultural education in healing, and global citizenship in the arts & cultural education field.

This month, our theme is mentorship — but the prompt is a little different!

Creative Generation is working on expanding the definition of the word mentorship to better reflect the myriad ways we teach and learn from each other, starting with this blog post from Jordan Campbell.

Our team is sharing their experience with mentorship on the blog and we want to hear from you, too! Take a look at our Modern Membership series and tell us about how you have mentored or been mentored! We want to hear from arts learners, their adult co-conspirators, and everyone in between.

Submit your take on mentorship via our blog submission form, or use the social media platform of your choice to tell us your story about mentorship and arts & cultural education. Make sure to tag @Campaign4GenC and use the hashtag #CreativityForGood!