COMMUNITY POST: The Mutual Benefits of Arts Partnerships Ignites Post-Pandemic Community Engagement in Cultural Life

As a music educator during COVID, I reached out to the community and forged partnerships with local museums and organizations.The area museums were viable partners as they were not open to the public and in need of programming. Our school musicians performed lawn concerts at the local museums and recorded performances in their facilities to couple with museum online events.

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MODERN MENTORSHIP: The Solution that Has No Name: Revisiting Cyclical Mentorship

Since diving into the research that led to my work on Cyclical Mentorship in 2017, I have been thinking deeply on the concept of mentorship, especially in the arts and cultural education ecosystem, and how we can shift - or expand - the narrative. Some of the most compelling empirical evidence I have gathered involves conversations around mentorship, but there’s a major twist: these conversations are never directly about mentorship.

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MODERN MENTORSHIP: So You Want a Rewarding Mentorship Relationship

Now that I hold a director-level position within Creative Generation and own a small business, I find myself serving as a mentor and mentee in equal turns. Ultimately, I find I learn the most from people who are, themselves, willing to learn through an on-going, mutual dialogue. Taking a meta look at this, I’ve narrowed my criteria for rewarding mentorships to three traits.

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What’s Your Story?

What are your defining moments? Who has tried to define you? How do you preserve worth? These were the ideas being communicated at the fifth and final installment of the Teaching Artists Guild’s (TAG) program Youth Right Now = Truth Right Now, a series of BIPOC Youth Led Professional Development Workshops that give insight into what helps build creative, nurturing and thriving environments for young artists.

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Call for Blog Posts: What's Mentorship Like These Days?

Our team is sharing their experience with mentorship on the blog and we want to hear from you, too! Take a look at our Modern Membership series and tell us about how you have mentored or been mentored! We want to hear from arts learners, their adult co-conspirators, and everyone in between.

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