Building on the success of our ITAC Innovators project in 2021 - 22, ITAC is planning to commission up to 5 new Innovators to lead their own Think Tank and related projects in the coming year. Each innovator will introduce an important topic via their own Think Tank session (up to 90 mins long), and invite participants to continue their explorations beyond the initial workshop session, all the way to completing something which can be of value to the wider field. The Innovator will lead this goal-based working group through to the completion of their project.
The goal for ITAC Innovators is to identify gaps in our field (either in terms of resources, knowledge or practice) and then offer a way to address this which includes an international working group in the process.
We are looking for group leaders—“ITAC Innovators”— to host these sessions and lead the resulting working groups. These new ITAC Innovators should be Teaching Artists with a demonstrated expertise in the proposed Think Tank topic, and have a passion to explore the subject further with colleagues who want to make a contribution to the global field.