Call for Proposals: World Alliance for Arts Education Virtual World Summit

Virtual World Summit

Arts Impact: Context Matters

October 11 - 15, 2021

The purpose of the summit is to bring together arts education professionals worldwide to share the latest research, thought, and practice in arts education assessment and evaluation.

We invite primary and secondary school arts educators, higher education professionals, arts education researchers and policymakers, national, state and local education officials from across the world to join us online on October 11-15, 2021.

Download the Call for Proposals Here

Conference proposals should focus on student learning assessment or arts program evaluation, in one of three tracks:

  • Designing for quality

  • Implementing with fidelity

  • Methodologies and data analysis

During the 2020 Virtual Seminar, emerging themes were identified as pressing for the field of arts education in response to the challenges of COVID-19 pandemic and related societal responses. Proposals that expand upon the following concepts will receive priority consideration:

  • Decolonizing Assessment in Arts and Cultural Education

  • Assessment and evaluation in Virtual Environments

  • Futures of Teacher Training in Assessment Literacy

Proposals are due July 19, 2021.

Submit your proposal here.