Participate in the Black Teaching Artist Lab Survey

The collaboration between the Black Teaching Artist Lab (BTAL) and Creative Generation has focused on through conducting original research to understand the status and needs of Black teaching artists in the United States and to build a foundation for future iterations of research and programming for BTAL.

As the racial pandemic of 2020 continues to reveal the deep-rooted nature of supremacist systems pervading American culture, gaps of extant knowledge have been revealed within BIPOC communities—namely within the field of Black-identifying teaching artistry. 

Black Teaching Artist Lab is conducting field-wide research on Black-identifying teaching artists, in an effort to grow and advance the field of Black teaching artistry. Data collected through this survey will be reported anonymously and in aggregate. For future stages of the study, we may reach out to respondents who are willing to share their stories.

Through the launch of the ethnographic survey, BTAL and Creative Generation hope to not only gain a better understanding of who America’s Black-identifying teaching artists are, but also of the ways in which we can provide additional tools and resources for them to have a more equitable work and social life.

This survey is for Black-identifying teaching artists, creating and teaching in all artistic backgrounds, working in all settings and educational environments, such as schools, after-schools and community organizations, jails, prisons, and/or social services agencies.

This data will help us to demonstrate the impact of Black teaching artists' work and to tell the stories of their work in different communities. Help us advocate for you by sharing this valuable information with us. BTAL and it’s affiliates will only use the data collected for purposes of analysis and will only present data in aggregate. All survey responses will remain anonymous.

This survey will take approximately 10 minutes to complete.