Register for ITAC's December Think Tank: Non-Verbal Teaching Artistry: Physical Story, Modern Mime, and Teaching Beyond Words

Join the International Teaching Artist Collaborative on Wednesday, December 15 from 1:00-3:00pm New York time (6:00-8:00pm UK time) for our December Think Tank, exploring non-verbal Teaching Artistry: physical story, modern mime, and teaching beyond words.

This session is a part of ITAC’s Innovator Think Tank series! Every month, Think Tank hosts invite interested participants to engage beyond the initial session and form working groups which can collectively address a specific need or topic linked to the Think Tank's original theme. Participants are welcome to join the sessions, learn more about hosts' chosen topics, and then choose to opt-in to these collaborative working groups. Why not come along, learn about different practices, and discover the ways you can get involved?

About the December 15 Think Tank:

Join us for our first ever primarily non-verbal ITAC Think Tank! As a group, participants will be invited to view slides and share written reflections, pairing group discussion with a playful exploration in gesture, facial expression, and nonverbal games. We encourage you to come ready to move, with cameras on.

This session, and subsequent working group, will focus on the use of non-verbal Teaching Artistry.

The key topics covered will include:

What are the superpowers of physical storytelling?

What tools and strategies do we have for teaching beyond spoken language?

What can we learn from our students when we remove words, and what can we gain from the group culture that emerges?

In the follow-up working group, Becky will invite participants to join her in collectively developing and creating a suite of resources for nonverbal Teaching Artistry and exploring how word-free engagement can be applied more widely in various art forms. This suite of resources will act as a practical guide and will include the theories, history, and narratives surrounding the many implications and impacts of nonverbal storytelling.

The goal is for these resources to address the need for:

  • Engaging nonverbal students, teaching inclusively to different language backgrounds;

  • Creating ensemble culture in all art forms, even within verbal programs, and integrating accessible embodied learning.

Host: Becky Baumwoll (USA)

Who can join: Open to creators of all ages, disciplines, and experience levels

When: Wednesday, December 15 from 1:00 - 3:00pm NY time