S3 Ep22: In, Through, and With the Arts with Lisa Donovan

During this episode of Why Change? co-hosts Madeleine and Jeff discuss their change of personal and professional seasons, including Madeleine’s cross-sector work. Jeff shares his interview with Lisa Donovan which covers a broad array of topics from arts integration to community development, network building, and even professional learning. Madeleine and Jeff discuss the asset-based approaches of cross-sector work, the strength of practitioners at the intersections, and inherent knowledge of rural communities.

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S3 Ep17: Civic Imagination with Michael Rohd

In this episode of Why Change?, co-hosts Madeleine and Jeff share their recent creative endeavors and what they’ve learned from recent podcast guests. Madeleine shares her interview with Michael Rohd about his work at the intersection of artistic and civic practice. They discuss the intersection of arts and other sectors, working in systemic change, and centering those most impacted.

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S3 Ep15: Relational Empathy with Gowri Savoor

During this episode of Why Change? co-hosts Madeleine and Jeff discuss their work related to advocacy for teaching artists and systems change. Madeleine shares her interview with Gowri Savoor, a teaching artist focused on empathy and relationship building through community arts projects, especially for climate change. The discussion connects narrative building to arts-research to advocacy strategies and how we learn them!

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S3 Ep14: Grasping the Aerosol of Creativity with Michael Anderson

During this episode of Why Change? co-hosts Madeleine and Jeff discuss their recent work supporting arts engagements with young creatives around the world. Jeff shares his interview with Professor Michael Anderson, Co-Director of the CREATE Centre at the University of Sydney. The dialogues focus on creative transformation for pedagogy, schools, and education systems - and how we can catalyze it!

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S3 Ep13: Facilitating Exchanges with Khairina Khalid

During this episode of Why Change? co-hosts Madeleine and Karla discuss their recent collaboration. Madeleine shares her interview with Khairina Khalid who talks about her intergenerational, international collaborations. They all discuss the role of mentorship and using our artistry to drive powerful collaborations around the world. 

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S3 Ep9: Making Change: Teaching Artists and Their Role in Shaping a Better World with Eric Booth

In this episode of Why Change? co-hosts Madeleine and Jeff check in about their work advancing arts education globally. Madeleine shares her recent conversation with teaching artist, Eric Booth about his new book. Madeleine and Jeff debrief by reflecting on the field of practice, how it has evolved, and where it is going.

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S3 Ep8: Imagining Futures with Arts and Technology with Pawel Pokutycki

In this episode of Why Change? co-hosts Jeff and Madeleine check in about recent adventures and share Madeleine’s interview with Pawel Pokutycki. Pawel works at the intersection of the arts, technology, and community dialogues about the future. They all discuss new possibilities for the future, and new projects that are leading the way. 

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S3 Ep3: Musicians to Change the World with José Angel Salazar Marin

During this episode of Why Change?, co-hosts Karla and Jeff discuss the change of seasons and Madeleine’s interview with José Angel Salazar Marin from El Sistema Greece. Madeleine and José discuss the role of a musician in educating youth and changing the world - and how to go about doing that! Karla and Jeff break down the dialogue into practical steps for all arts educators towards a more holistic future.

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S3 Ep2: Sustaining Futures of Culture and Arts Education

During this episode of Why Change, Jeff provides reflection and background information on the global movement to advance arts education, including the recent World Summit of Arts Education hosted in Madeira, Portugal. Co-hosts Rachael and Madeleine join Jeff to reflect on their time together, in-person in Madeira Island, the big ideas they brought to the dialogue, and their visions for the future. Listeners are encouraged to participate in the efforts to aggregate ideas and visions for the future of the field for the UNESCO Framework for Culture and Arts Education. 

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S3 Ep0: Season 3 Teaser

During this episode of Why Change? the co-hosts of the podcast - Ashraf Hasham, Rachael Jacobs, Madeleine McGirk, Jeff M. Poulin, and Karla Estela Rivera - re-introduce themselves and share their hopes and plans for Season 3. The co-hosts discuss their multi-hyphenated personal and professional identities, how they plan to use those in the coming season, and the ways we can bring more joy into our work.

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S2 Ep26: Season 2 Finale

During this episode of Why Change? the co-hosts of the podcast - Ashraf Hasham, Rachael Jacobs, Madeleine McGirk, Jeff M. Poulin, and Karla Estela Rivera - reflect on their conversations throughout Season 2 and the myriad guests who made this season so rich and inspiring. The co-hosts revisit some of their favorite conversations, the questions that grew out of those discussions, and what they hope to bring into Season 3.

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S2 Ep21: Creativity in Conflict with Chen Alon

During this episode of Why Change? co-hosts Madeleine and Jeff discuss their return to work and life after the 6th International Teaching Artists Conference in Oslo, Norway. They discuss Madeleine’s interview with Dr. Chen Alon, a theatre activist, teaching artist, and professor in Israel/Palestine. The discussion contemplates an evolution of Augusto Boal’s Theatre of the Oppressed, bridging polarized communities, and hope.

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S2 E11: Changing How Artists and Institutions Work with Simon Sharkey

During this episode of Why Change? co-hosts Madeleine and Jeff examine the changing of seasons, workloads, and how artists and institutions navigate that change. Madeleine shares her interview with SImon Sharkey, a Scottish theatre-maker and activist, who provides powerful stories and visions for the role of artists and institutions in society. Madeleine and Jeff think about how to apply this change of frame in their work.

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S2 E4: Imagining New Impossibilities with Francine Kleimann

During this episode of Why Change? co-hosts, Madeleine and Jeff discuss imagination, creativity, and play. Madeleine shares her interview with Francine Kleimann, an interdisciplinary artist from Brazil who is leading the “School if the Impossible” project. Both the interview and co-host discussion make the case for a broader vision for arts and cultural education to be one of application towards imagination and visioning for new futures.

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S2 E0: Why Change? Season 2: A New Focus

In this preview of Season 2, the Why Change? Co-hosts - Karla, Ashraf, Rachael, Madeleine, and Jeff connect to discuss their plans for the coming season. Jeff shares a bit about the shift in focus of Why Change?’s second season to focus on the adult change-makers supporting the creative development of young people and how this fits into the suite of podcasts produced by Creative Generation.

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S1 E39: Season 1 Wrap Up: Reflections, Responses, and Reimagination

Join us for the final episode of Why Change? ‘s first season as co-hosts Karla, Madeleine, Rachael, Ashraf, and Jeff reflect on the powerful conversations they’ve had with artists, educators, and activists over the season. The five co-hosts lift up important reminders their guests contributed during conversations and begin reimagining a future influenced by the personal narratives and the stories of critical responses to community needs shared during the podcast.

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S1 E38: Arts Outside of the Box: Creativity and Community Collaboration with Miss Tee Sandifer

In this episode of Why Change? you’ll meet the inspiring entrepreneur, Tee Sandifer, and learn about how she grew her arts organization into a social change empire for youth, family and communities. Building upon knowledge of self and her community’s needs, Miss Tee’s studio has taken off in a phase of rapid growth since the pandemic hit in 2020, as she works to re-educate families and community leaders about the integral role the arts can play in everyday life. Co-hosts Ashraf and Jeff reflect on the work of Studio T and the social responsibility of young artists as public servants in their communities.

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S1 E37: Art as an Amazing Crazy Tool for Change with Fidaa Ataya

In this episode of Why Change?, co-hosts Madeline and Jeff reflect on a dynamic conversation with storyteller Fidaa Ataya who shares her art as an “amazing, crazy tool for change.” Based in Palestine, Fidaa shares about the purpose and power of telling stories based on generational and cultural knowledge and how that can be applied to contemporary times as forms of peaceful protest. Together, Madeline and Jeff discuss the social responsibility artists have to use their art to draw attention to the causes they believe in.

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S1 E34: Building an Arts Education Ecosystem in Vietnam with Thanh Bui

During this episode of Why Change? co-hosts Madeleine and Jeff reflect on the place of the arts in creating systemic and policy-based change. Jeff interviews Thanh Bui, live from the World Alliance for Arts Education’s Virtual World Summit, to discuss his work breaking down the barriers of access to arts learning and building an arts education ecosystem in Vietnam. Together, Madeleine and Jeff discuss the scalability and replicability of this work.

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S1 E29: Understanding People, Not Just Achieving Outcomes with Sudebi Thakurata

During this episode of Why Change? co-hosts Madeleine and Jeff discuss transitions in their seasons and their work. Madeleine interviews Sudebi Thakurata, a creative facilitator and transdisciplinary designer, working in India, South-Asia and South-East Asia, Europe and the US. Madeleine and Jeff discuss how we can leverage our different areas of knowledge to use the arts as a way of understanding people, not just achieving outcomes.

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